Course Description

All trips on transit buses begin and end at bus stops; making bus stops a vital connection between transit service and the communities served. Ensuring bus stops meet the needs of all riders, transit agencies, and the community is essential in providing quality, efficient transit service. In 2020, PennDOT partnered with the Pennsylvania Public Transportation Association (PPTA) to develop the Building Better Bus Stops Resource Guide. The guide provides resources to support safe access to 34 different transit systems that operate fixed route bus service in Pennsylvania and has resources applicable outside of the state. The guide includes a particular focus on the design of bus stops in more suburban and rural communities. The guide provides municipalities, transit agencies, planners, and designers with resources to encourage consideration and incorporation of transit in planning and design. This session will highlight tools, resources, and case studies included in the guide to expand transit access with better bus stop planning and design. Participants attending this session will leave with an understanding of key components of bus stop planning and design, ADA requirements associated with bus stops, strategies for incorporating transit access principles into plans and designs, and strategic partnerships that facilitate bus stop improvements. Additionally, participants will learn design guidelines for key elements of bus stops, including stops in areas without connecting sidewalks and within commercial sites.


Natasha Manbeck, PE, AICP (McMahon Associates)

Webinar Curriculum

  Building Better Bus Stops (1 PDH)
Available in days
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